Welcome to the literature page and the literature that is presented here is in two languages, Samskrtam and Telugu. In these languages some epic literature and great works have been presented here. For Epics in sanskrit, click here and for the same in telugu click here. In addition to these, here are some great works in both these languages that are worth mentioning and click the appropriate links for more info on those.


a. Raghuvamsam

b. Kumara sambhavam

c. Meghadhutam

d. Kiratarjuneeyam

e. Sisupalavadham

f. Naishadheeya Charitam

g. Ritu Samharam

h. Narayaneeyam

i. Surya Satakam

j. Abhijnana Sakuntalam

k. Vikramorvasheeyam

l. Malavikagnimitram

m. Bhasanataka Chakram

n. Bhartrhari Subhashitani

o. Champu Ramayanam

p. Sri Sankaracharya’s works.


a. Sringara Naishadham

b. Kasi Khandam

c. Haravilasam

d. Raghava Pandaveeyam

e. Vijaya Vilasamu

f. VeeraBhadra Vijayamu

g. Panduranga Mahatmyam

h. Amukta Malyada

i. ManuCharitramu

j. Kalapoornodayam

k. Sri Kalahasteeswara Satakamu

l. Sri Kalahasteeswara Mahatmyamu

m. Sri Ramayana Kalpavrikshamu

In addition to these, there is a section that shows/mentions some work done by contemporary writers/poets in either of these languages and possibly some related links!

Please note that once you click on on any of the above links, for most part, you would stop seeing anything in English.